Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Is Google Making us Stupid?

Nicholas Carr explained how easily people could find information online in his article, "Is Google Making us Stupid?' In this article, he discusses what exactly the internet is doing to our brains. He refers to our brains throughout the article as a "computer." In the article it states, " Google's mission is to organize the world's information and make it universally accessible and useful." I agree with this statement because google is a very organized database and anyone can find the information they need, wherever they need it. Researchers were fearful that people would rely on the internet and written words so much, that they would forget the information they already had stored in their own brain. I agree with this statement because all to often we ask someone what four plus four is and they have to google even though they know the answer is eight. I do not think google is making us stupid, but I do think that google is making us lazy, because it  is so easy to search for the information we need. 

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