Sunday, August 26, 2018

Reading on a Screen

In Kevin Kelly's, "Reading in a Whole new Way," the author discusses have technology has changed since the 11th century. It discussed how readers went from reading print to reading on screens. The article explained how reading could also expand in the near future. The article stated that screens would eventually reveal the contents of everything. For example, screens would be able to scan a bag of chips and tell you every component of the chips. This is important because it means that technology is a ever changing Literacy, but it also means that original print can also very slowly become extinct. This article specifically talks about how print helps to produce a contemplative mind, whereas screens produce a more utilitarian thinking pattern.

In Annie Sneed's, Everything Science Knows about Reading on Screens," the author discusses how reading on a screen can change your reading behavior. She explains how your brain will automatically start thinking about skimming, scanning, and browsing when reading on a screen. This can cause problems when trying to read a book for class or finishing a chapter in the latest novel. The article also explains how reading on a screen can be difficult due to all the surrounding videos, apps, and commercials.  This can make it very difficult for the reader to concentrate on the article itself.

In my opinion, these article of very truthful. When reading these article multiple videos started playing, with volume, automatically. There were multiple advertisements going up both sides of the article and were distracting while trying to read it. While reading the second article, by habit, I started to skim through the article looking for bold words or underlined words. once I noticed this, I went back up to the top and read the article through completely. While reading these two articles, I noticed that most of the things they discussed were true and it was very evident that literacy had changed completely since the 14th century.

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