Tuesday, September 25, 2018

SWOT and Personal Branding

The "SWOT" article could be very beneficial when applying for a new job. Using the SWOT acronym you can look at yourself at a more deeper level.   You will looks at your strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. Once you realize what your strengths and weaknesses are, you can use those to over come threats and build higher and higher opportunities for yourself. This article was very interesting, and I think I could use it in the future when applying for jobs.

Strengths: reliable and organized
Weaknesses: procrastination and presenting

The "Brand yourself" article talks about how to differentiate yourself from other people who may be applying for the same job title as you. While reading this article keep six steps in mind.
  1. Define your overall aspirations.
  2. Conduct Research
  3. Determone your Brand attributions
  4. Assess your current state.
  5. Create your game plan.
  6. Manage your Brand.
This article will also come in handy when trying to apply for a new job. I like the first article more just because it was easier to read, and it was a little shorter as well. 

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